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Interact with your documents using AI to help you understand them

How Does Sentient Allow You To Interact With Your Notes In a Conversational Manner?

Sentient is a unique tool that revolutionizes the process of notes making, reading, and summarizing. It enables readers to have a greater understanding of the text. With the use of AI, it transfers the notes into an interactive conversation that helps with the natural learning of the material. You can ask questions from the text and engage with the content through AI. It has several useful features like contextual understanding, natural language understanding, and personalized learning. With these features, Ai can understand human language and interpret the language as well. It allows you to communicate with the text to find out the basics of the text. It retains previous interactions and can provide references and citations. It allows work to be more coherent and comprehensive. You can make notes or summaries with the help of Sentient. You can also follow up on the work Sentient does by asking for more details, explanations, or reviews. You can also provide keywords to search for and find content on. In short, Sentient is a dynamic tool that can easily understand conversational tone and detect natural understanding. You can personally engage with your notes and take help from the AI to make them more efficient.


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