

Writing Assistance
Grammar and Spelling
Checks and corrects grammar and spelling errors in your writing
Sentence Structure
Provides recommendations to improve the structure and flow of your sentences
Style and Tone
Offers suggestions to enhance the style, tone, and voice of your writing
Language Enhancement
Provides suggestions for alternate words or phrases to enhance your writing
Content Generation
Article and Blog Post Ideas
Generate ideas and suggestions for articles, blog posts, and various content types
Headline and Title
Get recommendations for compelling headlines and titles for your content.
Paragraph and Sentence Expansion
Expand and enhance your paragraphs and sentences with suggested improvements
SEO Optimization
Optimize your content for search engines and improve its visibility and ranking
ART Generation
Generate images using AI
Language Translation
Translation Assistance
Provides support and suggestions for translating text from one language to another
Editing and Revision
Identifies and corrects errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling
not supported

Not Supported

Rewriting and Paraphrasing
Helps to rephrase and rewrite sentences or paragraphs to improve clarity and readability
Plagiarism Detection
Scans the content for potential instances of plagiarism by comparing it to a database of published works
Research and Fact-Checking
Topic Research
Provides assistance in finding relevant information and sources related to a given topic
Academic Writing Assistance
Provides support and guidance for academic writing tasks, including research papers, essays, citations, and references
Business Writing Assistance
Helps with various aspects of business writing, such as professional emails, reports, and marketing content
Technical Writing Assistance
Offers assistance in creating technical documents, such as user manuals, instructions, product specifications, and documentation for software or hardware


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